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Aspiring writer is the commonly used title for someone like me but I'd prefer story teller. Presently I'm working on my first manuscript. Glad you stopped in, follow my writing journey I'm sure it will have a little bit of everything.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Beta Readers, what the heck is that?

I'm a newbie remember. A still wet-behind-the-ears writer as I mentioned before. I just learned that Beta Readers are a group of people who read your pre-published work.  I also remember reading way back how this one writer who was also targeting the Young Adult audience got a group of young adults & shared her book with them by reading it out loud. It helped her writing a whole lot, 9 years later she's got several books & movies.

All that brings me to this. I'm gathering a small Beta Readers group with some young adults & adults. I'm excited & scared (but more excited than anything) about doing this. How exactly is it going to work, well I've modified it to fit me & my current situation right now. I plan to read a few excerpts from my manuscript & get some live feed back. I'm ready for the good, bad & ugly. I'm excited to put it out there & see if people like my Gitanita Catalina.  So my group is going to meet this coming weekend, if I can get everyone's schedules to work out. I'll give an update next week & tell ya what the feedback was. Yes I'm figuratively biting my nails.  

As always I appreciate your reading & come back again.

Remember I like questions & comments.

Gigi ∞

PS... send me a friend request on FB at Tale To Be Told and/or follow me on Tumblr at gigitaletobetold.tumblr.com

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