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Aspiring writer is the commonly used title for someone like me but I'd prefer story teller. Presently I'm working on my first manuscript. Glad you stopped in, follow my writing journey I'm sure it will have a little bit of everything.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Yep having one of those good days when new stuff is coming to me. 
Gigi ∞

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Songs on my playlist when I write - Gigi ∞

Dashboard is definitely on my list of favorite bands.

I look at this & it feels like I've been here before (a memory) and I know I haven't.  Black & white pictures are my favorite I guess because you strip away the glitz & color leaving an almost raw scene, I find that more inspiring.  I look at those doors & wonder who could step out. I can also picture myself on that bench writing.  Love this picture!!!
Gigi ∞
Inspiration.... it happens!
Gigi ∞
See everything before you write it. (Stephen King)

Re-read (silent & outloud), re-write & write new stuff

In my case it doesn't necessarily happen in that order but I'm not complaining, I love what I do. I don't mind doing it at 2 in the morning.  And yes in case you're wondering reading your stuff outloud to yourself is bizarre & funny, after a while you forget that it's you who's talking (if that makes sense).  So yes right now I'm reading outloud & once again words that I hadn't noticed before suddenly jump out at me.  Ok let me get back to my reading.

Writer's Block

Writer's Block by stevenmonroe
Writer's Block, a photo by stevenmonroe on Flickr.

No writer's block for me today (although I've had plenty of it) still reading outloud to myself. I just created a FB fan page, look for Tale To Be Told & you'll recognize the crystal ball. Please like it. G